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Wintertime tree planning help

Been dragging my feet all season having this big ol white ash cut down. It has a foot long split in its eastern fork about six feet up. It will load up with water after rains and squirt brown frozen water out the a hole in the front in a neat frozen waterfall effect so it really needs to come down.

Maybe because I love the tree, perhaps because its too high and far over the house for me to cut with a man lift, or maybe because I haven't decided what to replant there its still up.

For space limitations the spot is 15 - 20 feet from the corner of the garage. The corner of my septic field is another 25 or so feet in front of it.

Currently I'm toying with the idea of planting two smaller trees to replace it. Perhaps a Cherokee Chief or Sunset type Dogwood (Cornus Florida) type. Or even a Black Gum (Nyssa Sylvatica). I figure that white ash was fine for 55 years so anything with a little less spread and some good fall color would be a suitable replacement.

Any ideas? I'm open to suggestions to get myself excited. Oh, I'm obviously Zone6 St. Louis. My soil there is pretty good with some clay underneath. The front of the house faces west. Thanks to that long gentle slope I'm on the area does get a good amount of water flowing around it during moderate or heavier rains.




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