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the who, what, when, why and where of root pruning

18 years ago

So, I was reading another post about how many bamboos some of you grow and the lot sizes you do it on and I was AMAZED. Over the last 3 years I have lived on 2.5 acres and have only mustered the courage to plant 3 species- Vivax and Yellow Groove (IN THE SAME SPOT) and a patch of Sasa Veitchii elsewhere. This is only a fraction of the bamboo I have purchased and needless to say I've had more than a couple of my purchases make the ultimate protest to their constricted lifestyles. Granted part of my hesitation has had to do with not knowing exactly where the drain field for my septic system was located, but I'd just about given up my bamboo dreams for fear of being swallowed whole until purusing the aforementioned post. I'll be moving to a half acre lot next month- again with a drainfield, but I'd like to think I can plant a few more of the bamboos that I've acquired.

So, I don't like the idea of a bamboo barrier, but how does this rhizome pruning gig go?

When do you do it, and how far out do you go for the "clump"? Does every rhizome terminate in a culm, allowing you to visually determine the direction of the new growth so that you are always sacrificing a terminal culm or two, or do you have to go full circle around each and every time. I would be afraid of either cutting too near the clump so as to damage what is there or cutting too far from it that I'm leaving too much rhizome underground from which my boo would strategically launch its armageddon the following season. Besides, isn't there always SOMETHING you can't dig into nearby? Utilities, other plants, solid rock?

And if you plant too close to a neighboring property, even if you sever the rhizome, won't something eventually get into the neighbors yard where you have no business digging? And assuming they don't become irrate and murder you in an fit of bamboophobia (which by the way has not achieved legal status as a hate crime) before dealing with THEIR plants, whats to keep them from allowing THEIR bamboo to go nuts and eventually coming all all over your property where you don't want it.

So, I know this all sounds hysterical, but I WOULD really like to know exactly how DOES this work so I can get started ASAP.

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