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Tomatoes and Nighttime Temps

I have been bringing my tomatoes inside at night due to the uncertain night temps. Now the forecast is for the nighttime temps to be in the mid to low 40s for the next week. Would it be too drastic a temp change to start leaving the tomatoes out at night or should I keep bringing in the tomatoes until nighttime temps are in the 50s?

If they can be left out, do they still need to be covered at least at night? Would exposing them to temps in the 40s mean they will take longer to produce fruit?

I know I am probably coddling them by bringing them in, but since this is all still new to me, I wanted to play it safe. It still amazes me how fast they grow under (vented) plastic when its only April. The roots are starting to circle the bottom of the plastic cup now.


Lois in PA

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