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Your favorite rock garden plant(s)

14 years ago

Although I have a significant wish list of plants I'd like for my rock garden, I do have a few favorites from what I do own currently.

Azorella trifurcata (very often it is incorrectly sold as Bolax gummifera, which is an entirely different plant). Azorella is a very low taller than 1 inch. It has shiny green spikey leaves that feel like plastic. Gets tiny yellowish flowers in spring/summer. A great ground cover plant for between rocks and boulders, but too large for a small trough; also don't plant near tiny alpines that will get smothered by it. Pic of a small plant grown from a rooted cutting:


Scleranthus biflorus - Small, slow growing mound of bright green foliage that looks like moss. Very tight knit and excellent for between rocks...probably good for tufa or trough since it is slow growing and compact. Pic below shows Scleranthus at top middle..looking like a mossy ball. Also in picture to right side is Azorella trifurcata. Left center is Raoulia australis. Below that is Sempervivum arachnoideum.


Ilex crenata 'Mariesii'- extremely slow growing, compact dwarf holly shrub with tiny leaves that are close together, and usually with interesting trunk and branch formation. Takes many years to reach even a few feet in height, and probably can be pruned to remain small. Unique and exciting shrub as an accent or centerpiece in a small rock/alpine garden. Looks great with moss or tiny groundcover.Pic below is an old picture but the only one I have right now:


Wishlist includes:

Dianthus alpinus 'Joan's Blood'

Dianthus haematocalyx ssp. pindicola

Dryas drummondii

Gentiana verna

Saxifraga 'Kath Dryden'

Saxifraga x anglica 'Cranbourne'

Saxifraga x irvingii 'Jenkinsiae'

Sempervivum marmoreum 'Brunneifolium'

Sempervivum 'Pixie'

Sisyrinchium 'Devon Skies'

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