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Light at the end of the Tunnel

11 years ago

Still playing gopher games in the garden. But today, something actually happened to my benefit, I think.

I have this little, no fragrance, no identity, own-root yellow floribunda. It was looking a little dismal, and alas, the gophers got to it. As I, swearing and muttering under my breath, dug what remained of it out of the ground, it came out in 2 pieces. Both with the standard tap root structure chewed off, but the little buggers hadn't gotten to the feeder roots yet, so both with good, sound feeder roots.

SO - I now have TWO yellow floribundas - caged both, one back where it was, and another it a completely different spot.

Plus I left a gopher-dyna-gas-bomb in a hole I found during digging as my "thanks".

My unnamed Floribunda:


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