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True Confessions

15 years ago

I know it's Lent and I'm trying, really trying, to be a good boy. But sometimes, you just gotta do what you have to do.

Freecycler comes over today to pick up 15-20 goldfish (as offered) from the pond I'm back-filling. While we're making small-talk, she asks what all the jugs and bottles are about. Of course, I go on a long WSing discourse and show her my sprouts. I'm totally animated and excited as I offer her jugs to peer into.

"Check out my poppies!"

She's not impressed.

"I hate gardening--all that work and nothing ever grows. I told my hubby that all I want is grass."

"Oh, geez. And I'm trying to get rid of it to make room for more veggies and flowers."

"Can I get the fish now?"

"Sure. Let me get the net."

I can't stand her.

I swear the fish knew she was not my type of gal, OK? I trolled with the net for 10 minutes and only caught two.

"But you said there were almost 20."

"Look, I'm sorry. Sometimes goldfish don't cooperate, and it seems we're SOL today. Why don't you take take these two and I'll email you if I catch anymore."

What is it with these non-gardening types? I'm sure she went home to hubby and told him I have 65 soda bottles standing up in the backyard. But I'm done with her, OK?

Next time I offer the fish to gardeners and WSers only. My babies are my babies whether they grow in a bottle or wave their happy fins back and forth.

Mea culpa.

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