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Possible RRD in Chicago's Grant Park -- can anyone help?

15 years ago

I was visiting Chicago this week and took a walk through the Grant Park rose gardens. (A bit disappointing, since the Japanese beetles had done the same number on these roses as they have on mine.)

But worse, I saw several plants that I'm pretty sure have RRD. I didn't think to take a picture to post here for confirmation, but I had RRD on a multiflora in my garden so I've seen it in person and I'm fairly confident that's what it was. It didn't seem like Roundup damage because the bad canes were in random spots on the affected bushes, not in a cluster where they looked like they might have caught some drift.

I had no idea which city department handles the garden, or whether they would believe a rose freak from out of town telling them their bushes have a contagious and fatal disease.

If someone's in Chicagoland and wants to take a look, these bushes were in the southeast corner of the long beds that stretch south of Buckingham Fountain. Unless someone has pruned them in the last few days, they will be easy to spot. Big heads of pointy yellowish mutant leaves on longish stems.

Again, I don't know if anyone with the city will believe or care about this, but having been through this myself, I hate to see good roses go bad.

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