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Spider Mites! Help!!!

10 years ago

Hi All,
I've been rose gardening for about 3 years and for the first time ever I have spider mites on one of my roses. They have infested my once gorgeous Pope John Paul rose!
I have never had this problem with my roses and unfortunately what I thought was heat damage (august in South Florida) actually has turned out to be a major infestation of spider mites.
I think they have a grip on a few of my other roses too. The ones that seem to have "unexplained leaf decline" which is what I've been calling it.
I feel like such a fool! I recently started spraying for black spot (was trying to grow no spray but its practically impossible in S. FL to do this). Meanwhile what I thought was black spot/heat damage/maybe even damage from the actual banner max, turned out to be spider mites.
I noticed them today for the first time crawling around with tiny webbing on the leaves and it clicked.
I guess there is a silver lining though. Now that i know what the problem is I can find a solution.
But what do I do now?

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