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Struggling Rodos in too much sun....transplant now or later?

I have two rodos that I bought and planted last year. They were/are pretty big (3 feet) and did very well in their old spot. We had to transplant a bunch of stuff this spring because of some construction and I've come to realize that the new spot is not good for the Rodos. Probably too much ....and maybe not quite enough drainage. I live in Georgia and we've had an unusually hot summer. The Rodos have lost at least half of their leaves and right now really only have leaves near the tips of the branches. Obviously they need to be moved...but when?

I might have a "good" window to move them to a shady spot because the 5 day forecast calls for scatter rain with highs "only" in the 88-90 range. After that, its back to 5 forecasted days of no rain, sun, and highs of 90-95. So what do yall think? Would it be better to wait until late September to move them or go ahead and do it now. Thanks!

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