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D*MN that felt good!!

mxk3 z5b_MI
10 years ago

I got fed up this weekend. I said screw it and went on a rampage, cleared out a bunch of stuff. All those plants that I dug up for my patio rebuild? Some of them went back in the ground, some got tossed, some of them I tossed because I just bought new plants, like Japanese anemone. Heck, stuff is 50% off, and I like instant gratification, I don't want to play around with damaged divisions that may or may not do well next year. Poop on it.

I had a jungle of Siberian iris that I p*ss and moan about every year because they flop horribly (probably because I've never divided in....oh...15 years or so...) so out they went and replaced with very nice new Siberian iris plants - they look lovely standing upright, and for 5 bucks a plant what the heck. Now that bed has a lot more room, but I'll work on filling that in next year. The Stokes aster are on probation after being moved, only 1 plant out of 3 blooms - so if they don't bloom well next year, out with them (they're really nothing to look out outside of the blooms). Weeded out a bunch of brunnera (because, lovely as they are, they end up everywhere, a sea of brunnera...), thinned the turtlehead (kept a lot of those divisions, though - have a nice spot for them elsewhere). Etc etc etc - you get the picture.

There's a bunch of bare spots right now, but man did that feel good and I'm so glad I did it. I just feel so relieved - I have a chance to start fresh, especially with one bed that isn't ever "right". I think shovel therapy may be better than talk therapy. And boy did I ever get some deals on fresh new plants, too. :0)

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