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What Are Your Hopes and Goals for the Next Year?

I've noticed that every year there are certain plants or areas of the garden that I think about most and that every year that changes as inevitably plants grow and fulfill their promise or fail to grow and are replaced with new ones. Sometimes I'll try something new that I didn't do the year before and I'll concentrate on the effects this is having on my roses and other plants. Do any of you have specific plans or goals for the coming year that you'd like to share? Here are mine.

1. Mulch the whole garden thoroughly with the thick layer of old leaves discovered under the pepper trees when they were trimmed.

2. Take all buds off roses that I want to grow particularly fast, such as my baby Cl. Lady Hillingdon growing against the house wall and the tea roses that I want to grow quickly so they will screen the main walkway around the house from the road (rather silly since the road has only a very minor amount of traffic, if you want to call one or two cars every hour traffic).

3. Replace four roses with hopefully more worthy ones in September.

4. Fertilize with alfalfa more regularly than I did last year.

5. Strive to have most roses blooming steadily during spring, summer, fall and early winter.

What about you?


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