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I have a pair of bettas in a ten gallon tank. The floor is covered with gravel and the rear wall of the tank has broken sections of cinderblock set upright so as to form a retaining wall to hold back more gravel which comes up just passed the water's surface. Atop this wall I popped in a fair number of marbled pothos cuttings to pretty it up a bit. Not long afterward I added a few clumps of anacharis to the floor to offer additional hiding places for his tankmate.

I'ts been a couple of weeks now that they've lived in each other's company now and so far everything's just peachy. now and again he get's an attitude and aggresses on her but she easily loses him in the anacharis. More often though he'll come up to her in a more gentle fashion and try to coax her to follow him back to look at the lovely bubbles he's been blowing for her.

Which brings us to my question.

How long can they go on like this? If they DO breed will he kill her afterward? I've heard stories that he will.

Suddenly i feel I should buy myself a kiddiepool and set it up as a betta environment. If there's enough plantlife to provide cover for everyone,I wonder how many could be kept safely in there?

Suppose i could turn my tank into a terrarium. =)

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