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Composting bucket/winter Question

10 years ago


I've looked everywhere and not seeing an answer. Maybe somebody here knows!

I'd like to start my first compost pile and yeah I'm a novice. ;) It's fall now and winter approaching.

Do I need to drill holes in a 5 gallon bucket for air circulation to store my waste greens etc during the fall and winter months?

We get snow here during winter and I currently live in an apartment with a small concrete patio so must go in a bucket.
I'd like to get a jump start collecting things for spring time. And I've read the importance of holes during the summer time... but what about winter? Is there a minimum temp outside where holes are a must or should always have? Because I keep reading about insulation etc during winter.

And I read during winter to add leaves and shredded paper on top... since I may not have much produce to add.. should I often add layers of food and paper and/or leaves?

Any experience to share I'd appreciate it.


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