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How Do you Get Rid Of Ants?

15 years ago

I have a Funambule that is finally growing and blooming like nuts after months of 'resting'. I was watering it nearly daily, and it was always dry. So I gave it a good soaking 3 days ago, and thousands of big ants poured out of my violet! Not tiny 'sugar' ants, not carpenter ants, but mid sized black ones. Next thing I know they are pouring out of the plant carrying their eggs and running all over me as I am running outside with my Funambule!

I don't get it. I have been watering the violet nearly daily, it took off growing, blooming and never saw an ant. Then when I got tired of watering it daily I flooded it and thats when they appeared! How do you get rid of ants and not kill the plant!? I am still getting hundreds coming out of the bottom with eggs in their mouths, MUCH less then the first day, THAT was like a horror show! But I cant get rid of these last ones. I don't know if they are newly hatched or what. But how do you get rid of them. If I soak the plant for a long time to drown them, I will kill the violet,if they don't die, the eggs left over will hatch after the live ones die. So...what can I use to kill these damn ants?! There has to be something I can use,chemical or 'natural'? I just found another nest of these horrible ants today on the top of a door in my house! I freaked out and sprayed a can of Raid on them. It was a scene from a horror movie! What they are doing on top of a door making a nest, I dont know. I have never scene these ants in Fla, ever! We usually get the super tiny 'sugar ants',or fire ants in the yard. But these are new suckers! I cant flood the violet with Raid! So....what do I use...or do? HELP!

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