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Lights - 'grow' lights, 'full spectrum' lights, 'daylight' lights

16 years ago


Since we live in a townhouse and have no useable windows (we have 2 full-light Southern windows [in Arizona no less] and 2 northern sliding doors onto covered patios), we have gone the light stand route. Plus the cats have staked their claim on the South windows and the violets would not survive being sprawled on by an 18 pound Maine Coon ;o)

We did not have space for a 4 foot stand so went to Home Depot and found a nice tall one that's 3 feet wide. This will let us have 3 shelves with lights. The minor downside is that you can't find shop lights in 3 foot lengths but hubby being a farm boy knows how to hard wire stuff so that was no problem (for me at least, he grumbled a bit).

We have three 3-foot light fixtures. Each takes two T12 lights. My question is, do "grow" lights come in 3 foot T12s? And what exact catchphrase am I looking for, when looking for bulbs? I am a bit hesitant to just look for "plant" lightbulbs as one that I took a closer look at, was just a colored bulb that made plants "look better"...I definitely want more than looking better.

Can somebody give me the 'dummies guide' to flourescent light bulb terms?? Thanks!

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