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have: seeds for sasbe

17 years ago

I have to following (but not limited to this list because I'm at work, and don't remember ALL of what I have in bulk) for SASBE. If I have time before the holiday, I'll come back and update this offer.
Amaranthus Fat Spike

Malva- Perennial Pink 4-5' tall

Cosmos- Bright Lights

Marigold Mix (8-12" mixed varieties. I found these useful to line my veggie patch since I had no idea what was going to come up from them)

Marigold African Yellow

Marigold African Gold

Marigold African Yellow & Gold Mixed (these are from Martha Stewart brand Wintersown plants in 2006)

Zinnia- Giant Pink & White Mix (this one has a LOT of chaff in it)

Cynoglossum Mystery Rose (Chinese Forget-me-not- the Pink ones)

Pumpkins- I've got 4 10+ lb orange pumpkins on my front yard that need to hit the compost heap, but if you want seeds, I'll collect them for you. I don't know if they need fermenting, but they volunteered in my compost pile this year, so I guess they don't. I'll wash them off for you.)

Daylily Stella D'Oro

I'll just say the rest will be 'surprises' since I don't remember the rest that I have in baggies. Well, what I mean is I don't know RIGHT NOW what's at home, but yes, they are all labelled.

Post or send GW email, and I'll tell you where to send the SASBE. You can choose what you like, or I'll just toss in some of each to make the most of your postage.

And if you want to make a regular trade with me on anything else that's on my trade page, let me know; I'm always up for trades!

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