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What do you all do to protect small trees and plants from frost?

I seem to have six to seven new trees or shrubs per year. If they're shorter than my waist or look like a rabbit would like to hew them to the ground I build a wire fence around them.

This week we're having two straight nights below 30F so I've gone through the trouble of putting some plastic over the fences. My wife saw this and decided we needed to cover the peonies and wanted to cover the new crabapple to protect its flowers but it was too big so she put plastic bags over it.

Thank goodness for the overcast skies today or it would be one weird greenhouse experiment. I know Ken lets nature run its course, and I well and understand that, especially given the size of his estate.

How much trouble do you all go through to protect your trees from the frost?

I think the plastic is dangerous if the sun comes out even if it does have holes cut in it. You all agree?

Tri-color beech house lol


Prairie Fire Crabapple hidden in plastic bags




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