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Top Ten Reasons NOT to Wish Winter Away

15 years ago

Top Ten Reasons NOT to Wish Winter Away

from The Old Farmer's Almanac

  1. No crowds at the beach.

9. Ice cream wonÂt melt on the way home from the store.

8. You donÂt have to mow the grass or weed the garden (in most places anyway).

7. Winter comfort food - soups, chili, hot chocolate, homemade breads. . .

6. Fires in your fireplace. There is something magical about watching a fire (donÂt forget the marshmallows).

5. Cold weather is a good excuse to do nothing, without the guilt. Stay inside and catch up on good books, movies, or crafts. Especially good when temperatures really dip, and snow starts to fall.

4. Winter sports - winter is the only time you can go skiing, snowboarding, sled riding, ice skating, and more.

3. No humidity in the air (good for hair and for exercising).

2. No biting bugs.

1. Snow. ThereÂs just something magical (until March) about the pretty white stuff that blankets the ground and trees. ItÂs almost like someone dusts our landscape with powdered sugar. Enjoy it  make snowmen, have a snowball fight, go sled riding, take pictures of it.

Is anybody buying this? I'm thinking probably NOT!! ;)

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