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Oak Wood Chips as Mulch?

17 years ago

We had to have an old oak tree taken down last year,and asked the tree service to leave the chips in a pile, which they gladly did. It smelled so sweet! I started spreading it around my beds and have been loving it.

Now some of my neighbors are gently hinting that oak mulch can attract termites,and it's better to buy cedar mulch. I haven't put it up against the house, and wouldn't put it up against anyone else's house or garden structure. It seems to work well, looks great and is true organic recycling.

Should I be concerned about the termites? We did all experience termite swarms last September (the tree was taken down in the early Spring), but the swarms seemed to start down the street and worked their way up to my house and beyond. No one has suffered any damage and I haven't seen any termites since. Is it still safe to spread the wood chips? If not, what do I do with the nearly five-foot tall pile of oak chips at the edge of my woods?

Thank you all.

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