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Newbie w/questions

16 years ago

Hello everyone,

I am new here,and I have a few questions,and decisions to make. I have been in our home for 4 years now,and it has a very well landscaped yard that the previous owner kept in great shape. I have been doing my best,but I don't have the green thumb,nor time the previous owner had. I have two young kids,and a full time job,plus side work,and a part-time working wife.

My problem is with the 15 or so year old Craftsman lawn tractor that the previous owner left for me. It has worked pretty well for me over the last 3 seasons,but at the end of last fall it wouldn't start for me to do the last cutting before winter. The battery in the tractor is new,and I have even used a deep cycle battery from our camper,and jumper cables direct to the starter,but still the engine turns over extremely slowly to the point where it won't start. If I pull the spark plug out it turns over fine. I know the engine isn't siezed as I can turn in by hand,and the piston is moving in,and out, The valves are moving as well,but the engine is not turning fast enough to start.

I have a small budget to get a mower for this season,and I wanted to ask your opinions. Do I either buy my friends John Deere STX38 that is about 5-6 years old for $700(upper end of my budget if not over by a bit),buy a 2-3 year old Craftman Hydro drive 42" mower from a local JD dealer that was traded in for $400 through a relative that works at the dealer at cost,or a very similar Craftsman to the one I have now that I found on a local for sale site at $325. The JD my friend is selling is in superb shape,but the cost is high. The Craftsman 21.5 hp mower through the dealer/family member looks to be a nice machine,and comes with a plow I don't need. While driving it the other day at the dealer I found the engine surging,and that caused concern. My family member says they don't sevice non-JD stuff there,and the sale would be at his cost with no guarantee. He thinks it is just bad gas in the mower,but I don't know,and don't want to find out it needs lots of work,even though the price seems right. The third option is an unknown comodity as I have yet to look at it,but it seems to be very similar to the one I have,and maybe I could use mine as a parts donor if need be,and the price is the lowest of the bunch. Without seeing it in person yet though I ma not sure what to think about this option.

Any help on my mower problem,or advice on what to do about getting a new to me mower would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for being so long winded.

Chris in Massachusetts

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