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idiot's guide to mulching...

16 years ago

So I've been reading about the benefits of mulching in your veggie garden (I'm particularly interested in the water-saving) and so I figured I'd give it a shot this summer and use some black plastic mulch in my square foot gardens and see how it goes. But here are my idiot questions:

1. When and how do you lay it down? When as in, do you lay it down BEFORE you transplant or when you transplant or what? What if I'm starting outdoors from seed? And how as in, if you lay it down after you transplant, how do you get around any existing plants you've got in the soil? Do you just cut "X"'s in it and poke the plant through or lay the mulch down in strips around the plant(s)?

2. I understand how mulch would help with water savings and diminishing water loss from heat evaporation, BUT...

If you've got the soil covered with black plastic, how do you water in the first place? And tying in with that, when we DO get our ever-increasingly-rare summer rains, how will that rain be able to water the gardens if it's covered with mulch? From what I recall about plastic mulch, it's non-porous so I don't figure the water or rain would seep through....

Anyway, I think those are my main questions. Don't least not out loud. :-)

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