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How, when and where to prune newly planted trees

12 years ago

So I bought some trees at a discount last fall - they'd been out of the ground for a long time - so I got a discount.

Planted them over winter and crossed my fingers. Overall, everything looks good now that the leaves are coming in.

1. One is a Dawn Redwood and it appears that all the growth is coming in strong all the way to the tips of the limbs EXCEPT for the very tip top of the leader. It's probably 7 feet tall now and maybe the top 6 inches are not leafing.

Should I cut the top off to encourage new growth

2. The others are Sycamores (1.5" - probaby 9 feet tall and they are doing relatively well, but there are a very few branches that aren't leafing out on the tips... a couple are probably more than the tips. Some of them are just the tips.

What should I do with these? Obviously they haven't been 100% established as they are getting ready to endure their first summer after being in the ground. I also don't want to have dead wood on these, and I want to encourage new, strong growth.

Trying to post photos... so stand by

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