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Horse manure compost/soil ammendment

15 years ago

Well, I've been reading alot of previous threads regarding the use of horse manure in the garden. I never thought it would be such a passionate subject!! I guess, I'm just hoping for some further clarification, as it applies to my situation. I built my first raised bed last May. In June, my husband proudly brought me home a pickup load of supposedly 'aged' horse manure from who knows where. I was equally excited about it, thinking I could just dump it in the bed. Then I read some posts here, and got a bit apprehensive. So, I go out to the pile, start digging around in it, thinking I might be able to figure out exactly how aged it really was before applying it in my veggie garden. I quickly realized that the whole pile was loaded with beetle grubs, so nixed it's use. But, it's not like I could just load it back up and return it, so I piled it up in a far corner, where it's been sitting since last June. I did finally layer some of it in with my compost pile late last summer. Long story short, I'm wondering if I could use the poo this year on my veggie garden. I was thinking I could dig a bit into the top of my bed now, since I won't be able to plant until Memorial day. This would give everything some more time to do whatever it's gonna do. Is it better that I use the stuff that's been composting in the bin with all the browns and veggie scraps, or take the manure straight out of the pile for my veggie bed? Can I use the aged manure on my perrenial beds? I hope all this makes sense, I tend to ramble, any advice is welcomed. Also, I haven't really got out there to dig around in the pile or bin, so I have no idea what the status is on the beetle grubs, I'm assuming the winter may have taken care of them? Also, I did take a peak in the door at the base of my compost bin, it appears to be infested with pillbugs, are they harmful? Thanks so much!!

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