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Need your help for a Charity plant sale in 2011

14 years ago

Time to Rally the troops. 2011 CMN plant sale

Crazy Plant Lady

Is back and is looking for horticultural heroes to join the effort of doing good!

I am looking for a few green thumb's or green thumb wanna be's to adopt some seeds.Master gardeners and serial plant killers welcome.Pick something you want to grow for yourself and grow some for the kids at the same time. I

.... I can provide seeds,trays,pots,pony packs and flats. I'll tell you what I know and help you find the answers to the questions I do not. There are plants and seed starting methods for every one!!

Warm and Sunny May seems a long way off and CMN balloons are far from our mind.....but it's time to stat growing plants for the CMN plant sale in May.


Email at

to volunteer,ask a question,or offer moral support..

Some good places to get started.

Here is a link that might be useful: blog/ with detail

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