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Too many fish to over winter?

14 years ago

YIKES! I hate to even mention that! My 600 gal gets shut down to a 500 gal when the pump comes out and the waterfalls to the two top small ponds stop (such a sad time of year for me). The pond does have a "tent" that keeps snowfall and wind off of it, runs on a bubbler. May freeze over for a day or two at a time if we lose power or the snow is too deep for me to get to it (however I have been seen draging a 5 gal bucket of hot water to it in snow up to my thighs). Occupancy: All Gold fish, 6 are over 6 years old 4 are 3&4 years old 2 are 2 years old and about 8 are last years babies. Thank goodness no babies this year that I have found. I have been trying to locate a home for some of the last years babies without any luck. Can I figure fish by gallons per inch as in aquariums or is ponding by the number of bodies? West Michigan has some cold hard winters, will this many babies put the older larger fish at risk? Im pretty sure hubby would no go for a tank in the house for the babies (but I would so enjoy, as would the 4 cats). Side note, 7 little froggies in the pond now that the big bully frog has been relocated! Yippee!

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