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Smarter than the average bear

12 years ago


I was out and about in the yard this morning during a light rainfall. Wearing a broad brimmed hat to keep the rain off my glasses. I very seldom wear a hat.

Walked slowly down the path in front the pond, checking on rain water drainage ---- and watched all the goldfish hightail it at full fish speed for their sanctuary under the fountain. And peek out from underneath at me.

Who says a fish has only a 3 second memory??

Later, the rain had stopped and I stopped by the pond for a rest break. Sitting on my stool at the side of the pond, plucking out fallen leaves and stirring up algae lunch, here comes the golden crew searching out stirred up goodness. My fish don't recognize me wearing a hat. They do indeed have a memory greater than three seconds!

I find it interesting that our pond goldfish do not relate to fish pond pellet food, but relate highly to my hand searching out and stirring up fallen debris. dinner bell time!

I think the salt levels have fallen in the pond. Seems the only plant casualty was a calla lily. This water lily bloomed in the small container I moved it to for salting the pond, and I missed it. Here it is blooming in its home, and it is sure a great sight.

I've learned that any plants that come home will go into isolation first. Can't imagine that I need to bring home more fish, what with the ones I have being teenage parents and all. At least there are not many fry swimming around in there. I think there are fry from two different batches. The biggest is just turning from dark gray to a spot of orange that grows each day. I think there is only one of these. The next are still very small, quick gray darts, of which I think there are only two or three.

It has been insanely hot here recently. As in many other places ..... Heat indexes in the 110's. I find myself taking many breaks sitting on my stool at the side of the pond watching the fish, and trying to figure out who is a boy and who is a girl. I'm pretty certain I lost the fantail. Last I saw her was last week and she appeared to me to be very egg heavy. I've seen frog eggs, and tadpoles in the pond, but nothing that resembles what I've read of fish eggs.

Speaking of reading, I've been reading a lot of the back threads on the forums here. And want to thank all of you who give so much of your knowledge to help out us youngsters.


And helped us to grow the 'bug'!


Here is a link that might be useful: Teach a goldfish new tricks

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