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Ponders: MiracleGrow Moisture Soil Bad Smell??

15 years ago

I'm a ponder but wondering if other ponders experienced bad smelling Miracle Grow Moisture Control Soil with regular gardening this season?

I've purchased Miracle Grow Moisture Control Potting soil for several years with much success. This year, I purchased 6 large bags of MGMCP. When I opened each bag, I noticed a very pungent smell that I had never noticed in previous years. I figured, no problem, maybe a different additive. I proceeded to pot all of my flower boxes and hanging baskets in late May. Well, it's August and my plants are still horrible. It's as though they are stunted in growth. I only plant impatiens and petunia wave. The petunia wave at first began to spread but immediately started getting lanky... I cut them back and they've yet to fill out. Never had problems with these plants in the past (same nursery) I literally had to replant 2 boxes and 3 hanging baskets with new flowers, still not thinking the problem could possibly be the soil. Well, after replanting using MGMCS, same results..... not dead just very little to no growth.

I've been a garderner for many years and this has never happened. Has anyone had soil problems with MGMC (smell)? Very disappointed as I spent a small fortune on my plants and soil. I know MG has a recall on their MG fertilizer....didn't read the recall because I don't use the shake'n feed. I did get to enjoy my pond and fish but my soil plants sucked big time!

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