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Musing: Actions to revive a potentially dying shrub or tree?

It has happened in my career of growing different trees and shrubs, that after winter certain ones look as if they are going to leaf out or bud, but time marches on and nothing happens. Once a certain period of time has lapsed, you know without a doubt that that plant is dead, kuput, finis.

We all know to check for green under the bark, but I have found that not to be foolproof. Something is going on inside that can't be seen causing the sap not to rise into the branches to get on with the leafing out process.

I wonder if there are any heroic measures that can be taken within a given period of time, dependent on the growth pattern of the plant, that will stimulate new growth from a different area preventing total plant death. Maybe you do something at root level, or to the branches (pruning) or trunk, Or a plant is dug up and treated, a plant hormone applied, salve put on--I dunno--just hazarding guesses here.

If such things might work, *when* to do it would be critical as there is a point of "too late". Knowing which categories of shrubs could be salvageable would be another point.

Anyone have experience with resuscitations?

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