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Now that I ordered them...where do I put them?

12 years ago

So now that the snow is gone and the weather is warming, I've turned my thoughts to garden design and layout. It seems I was a bit optimistic about how much space I have to fill. Below are the roses I ordered for this spring. Would love any advice on their particular growth and way to use them in my beds.

Hermosa - Hybrid China

Jacques Cartier a.k.a Marchesa Boccella - Hybrid Perpetual

Ville de Bruxelles - Damask

Charles de Mills - Gallica

Henri Martin - Moss

Munstead Wood - David Austin

Princess Alexandra of Kent - David Austin

Baronne Prevost - Hybrid Perpetual

Pretty Jessica - David Austin

Wise Portia - David Austin

I need one to go in the 'front' of a bed. (When I say front, it is actually a circular bed with viewing from all sides, but it is the most front part of it.) Which of these is the best for a border rose? The shortest Austin?

A skinny one or short climber for a tuteur - work in a back of border perennial mash-up?

I also need a centerpiece. Not only should it have repeat bloom, but the shrub should look good. It is going to be front and center when people come up to the house. A 3' x 4' size.

Something that has some presence from across the yard. Pretty big space to fill in front of some arbor vitae. Preference is a lax, drapey growth pattern, but open.

I'm thinking of putting Charles back along a fence and letting him just do what he'll do.

I have one other Gallica and it is a homely shrub? Are they all? Do I have any other homely shrubs in the mix I should be aware of?

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