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Too Late to Direct Sow Zinnias?

I've tried to direct sow zinnia seeds twice already. The first time, I didn't cover them (at the advice of someone else) and I think they dried up and blew away. The second time, I did cover them slightly (more advice from someone else) and I started to see a few pop up, but they are gone now! It's been cold and rainy here and the bugs have been chewing up my dahlias, so I'm thinking maybe not enough sun and bugs are the culprit? Perhaps it is my seeds? I got deadheads from my neighbor last fall and they stayed in the shed most of the winter.

I did zinnias for the first time last year and really enjoyed them, but didn't really know how to care for them. My neighbor gave me a few tips to make them better and I'd really like to do them again this year!

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