Six pierises didn't bloom this year
14 years ago
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- 14 years ago
- 14 years ago
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Well, that didn't work! (New Peperomia)
Comments (20)I'm fine with digressing if Karen715 doesn't mind. I had the great delight of visiting the place, but I'm quite sure I'll need to go back in order to take it all in. I had spent that morning at the ER with our older DD. She got pneumonia --- not a life-threatening case at that point, but not something to take lightly, either. She's not a plant grower, but she's an appreciator, and is really quite knowledgeable. In spite of being sick, she didn't want to miss the gardens. That left me in a quandary. If I left her back at the guesthouse, she'd feel lonely & left out. If we all stayed "home", she'd feel guilty for holding me back. If I took her along, I'd feel selfish for going. We all went, but DD would sit on a bench, and I'd quickly scout the area, then go get her and just bring her to the areas that had stuff I thought she'd like best. I didn't spend the amount of time poring over stuff that I normally would have, but I got to see quite a bit. We got into the desert glasshouse, which was high on my list! There was something cool that looked very orchid-like in there, but the person manning the place didn't know what it was. (He was very nice, if, unfortunately, not helpful on that point. He said he'd put in an inquiry about that plant earlier, at someone's request, but hadn't heard back.) We also got to see some interesting little orchids in the cloud forest section of the conservatory. It was great!...See MoreThe flower you didn't like
Comments (33)I didn't care too much for the Cerinthe either....not very showy at all. Edges were crisping out on me too; very ugly, but I let them go long enough to get seeds. Vinidium (African Daisy) 'Jaffa Ice'....don't get me wrong; the flowers are gorgeous, but the plants themselves took up way too much room at 3' tall and almost as wide! Also I've noticed the white ones are not as prolific blooming as the orange. Drippy....Only planted out one Cactus Zinnia and pretty glad one was all I had! Not a very flattering plant. Lime....Profusion Cherry color for me lasts a LONG time and eventually petals turns buff beige with a dark brown eye; I rather like it once it turns too! Wish I still had pictures. Fairydancer....I cut my Maltese Cross back too..hard and they've been re-blooming for awhile now. gardenluv and stage_rat....My wintersown Nigella 4 years ago were just like that; maybe just a little taller at 6". I don't think they transplant well, but all the self-sown ones every year since have been MUCH better! If you haven't yanked them, let them self-sow or sprinkle the seed where you want them. Sometimes they come up in fall and winter over. 1black61...Don't know which Nicotiana you grew, but I've had my Nicotiana alata (white) get 5' tall but they were not just single stemmed; VERY fragrant evening and cloudy day bloomers. Bad quality camera phone picture, but these Clearwing Hummingbird Moths came by the droves to drink from these! Normally they are only growing to about 3'. Mine have been blooming for about a month....See MoreWhat Made It... What Didn't Make It for 2007!
Comments (145)Marcia, I had Duchess of Albany for 3 years, but it was planted out in the open, no shelter at all. Is yours planted up against a building? If it is, it'll have a much better shot at living I would imagine. Mine did ok the first year, but went into decline the next 2 years. It's the same story for my John Paul II, and Ville de Lyon, and Jackmanii.....there's so many nice hardy types of clematis out there, I think I'll stick to them. I also just picked up Durandii, so we'll have to compare notes together.;^) Gillian, I've also noticed that my Orientals are looking really robust this year. I wonder if it depends on how far down the frost gets to in the winter, as to how well they do the next year? I expected/hoped that the ones on the south side of the house would do well, but even those out in the island bed have multiplied as well....See MoreDo You Think One Year's bloom Affects The Next Year?
Comments (5)Hi Kay: excellent question. I had wondered this in the past and from observation I know that Mort Morss does an off year/on year cycling. I also have seedlings out of MM which do the same thing. When I say "off" I mean it--literally single digit blooms (and sometimes single blooms if any) per spike. As regards MM, this doesn't seem to be affected whether I set seed on it or not, it just does it. Some of my other varieties do this to lesser degree (MM is definitely on a limited parole with me and I may just give it away next spring). As to virgo45's observation, I'll confirm it as a general rule; there are some plants (Malaysian Marketplace, Finish with a Flourish, Wild Irish, Magyar Music, Palace Garden Beauty and Orchid Elegance) which seem to shrug off the effort of setting seed the previous year and continue to bloom/set seed their heads off in subsequent years. But as a rule, I've noticed much diminished blooming in the year following heavy seed set with bounce back the 2nd year after. -eric...See MoreRelated Professionals
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