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Christmas-y day trips (photo heavy)

As stress-relievers, in the last week or so we've visited two local conservatory/greenhouses with Christmas displays. I thought you might enjoys some pictures.... The files I exported from the camera came out larger than usual and then I uploaded them in a different way - so I hope they don't cause a problem for anyone with a slower connection...

It has become very obvious that Randy and I literally see the world differently - he mans the camera on our little trips and I say things like 'take a picture of [whatever]'. Invariably I meant take a 'big picture' view and almost invariably he takes a 'detail' one! So he now needs to get the fancy camera he's been talking about so I can have this one - then we can both take pictures when we go places - and look at the results to see how many times we 'saw' the same thing when we took a picture :-)

So I'm missing a few pictures here... :-)

The conservatory we visited last week unfortunately had this sign in the entrance:


Some things were wiped out but others totally unharmed:


A mechanical Santa was on duty in the entrance:


The major part of the display was gazillions of poinsettias in all possible shades and variegations of red, pink, white; single and double, some with variegated leaves. I didn't realize there were so many different form of poinsettias! There were also several interesting cone 'trees':

A close-up of the grass one:


They had a nice trompe l'oeil arbour around a bench. I really want to find a place for something like that this year in the garden so I've been getting pictures of any I see:


Today we went in the Toronto to the Allan Gardens to see the Christmas display there. As we got close to the gardens, we noticed a lot of people with dogs.

I didn't realize there is an off-leash area close to the main entrance.


I'm not sure if you can reat the sign... The gardens were officially opened in 1860. The domed 'palm house' was built in 1910.


The most intricate thing in the display was this rocking horse:


Cone 'trees' are obviously de rigeur for these Christmas displays as there were several here too:


I thought of Deanne when I saw this brug.


An odd and interesting ornament in one place was a couple of mobiles made from dried citrus slices!


When we got back, Randy was obviously inspired by the Christmas theme - he's in the kitchen making mincemeat tarts... We make our own mincemeat each year and it is yummy!

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