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pepper and other veggie seed starting questions

15 years ago

Hi all, I have a few questions on seed starting. I have 2 flats of pepper seeds started in the basement. 95% of them have germinated but I have read they love heat so do I continue keeping them on the heating mats? If so for how long? They are all about a week old.

Next question, I have broccoli and cauliflower plants in the basement also that have 2-3 sets of true leaves I want to move them out to my unheated hoophouse. Do they have to go through a hardening off period since the lighting and fluctuation of temps are so different in the hoophouse? I want to move the peppers out to the hoophouse too as soon as possible, can anyone tell me if it would be better to wait till they are much stronger or do it when they are very young? I can add a heater if the temps get real low at night, I could also have the heat mats out there for night time if need be..

Thanks so much for your help..


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