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Rusty-colored leaves, star-shaped yellow flowers that hang

14 years ago

What perennial has:

* Rusty-colored leaves and stems when healthy

* In spring, grows in ground-hugging rosettes that spread

* Shoots up tough stems about 2 feet tall (stems are about the same thickness as Monarda stems)

* Has yellow, star-shaped flowers that are just over 1 cm wide, and hang from the point where side stem meets main stem

* Blooms from late June - mid-July in Tennessee, then is done

* Tends to flop if not supported

* Seems to get those fluffy white aphids under the leaves

I used to grow this plant a few years ago at another house. I knew the name then, but it escapes me now. I have been given it again and told the person who gave it to me I'd find out its name and tell her - but my Internet research has drawn a blank.

Thanks for your help!

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