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Hardy water lilly suggestions

13 years ago

I currently have four varieties of hardy water lillies in an earthern pond and want to get a couple more. I have a white lilly (not sure of the name, it was labeled attraction), sulphurea (yellow), attraction (red), and sunny pink (I've seen it described as pink or peach). My white and yellow lillies look pretty much like koijoyii's in the thread "My water lillies are gorgeous..."

My attraction is about the same color of mammasue's in the same thread. I haven't found a picture of sunny pink that looks just like mine. The center petals of my sunny pink have more of a yellow cast, with pink outer petals.

Any suggestions on something different to add to my mix? I've been browsing pictures of different varieties, but it seems the pictures don't always match the real thing. Some I've been considering are arc-en-ciel (for its pads - not crazy about the flower), almost black, clyde ikins, Mangkala Ubol. Anyone have any experience with these or have other suggestions? Thanks!

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