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You all don´t know just how lucky you are to have each other

16 years ago

You all just don´t know how luck you are to have each other here in this forum or all the forums as far as that goes. You all help each other , share you tips and secerets, down falls , failures , succeses , ups downs well just about everything. and here it is just the opposite kind of live misery loves company . Over the weekend I was working in the garden. Someone spoke to me from the street and aked me a question . I started explaining got a thank you and then was told don´t tell everyone your secerets . I am proud of what litte I know and all that I have learned from you all over the past two years and love to share it with whoever will listen . I use a lot of orgainc things , not that I have anything against chemicals . I use them to but orgainc is cheaper in somethings like coffeegrounds for snails and slugs , cornmeal for blackspot , I have even found a way to help fight the red lilly beetles at a rearly stage so they are almost gone before the lilies come it is not organic but it works :-) . I have asked other gardners here in Germany questions and they change the subject to keep there success a seceret.

You all are so lucky to have each other . and I thank you all for the wonderful information


Comments (21)

  • sunnishine
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am sure that I speak for all of us when I say you are very welcome and we are glad you are here!

    This place really is wonderful isn't it!I love how much I have learned and being able to talk to others who are just as obssesed as we are!

  • fantasylilies
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Kenny - keep being a lovely person, you have friends here!! Loads more great folks in the Daylily Forum as well!

    Chris in CA

  • hoovb zone 9 sunset 23
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    We are lucky we had you to remind us! :)

  • sherryocala
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey, Kenny! What a lovely post. There are many things about modern technology that aren't positive, but being able to be linked with like-minded gardening people is a real plus - even half way around the world! Maybe you'll be the trendsetter in your neighborhood who gets your gardening neighbors closer and more open, little by little. You don't know yet what effect you have already had on that person who asked you a question. We all know the beauty of knowing and having things (like gardens) is in sharing them, and I can tell you are eager to do just that. In the meantime the gardening forums are our gardening friends and teachers and students. It's so wonderful that you and the rest of us found them. I hope you post often. You have a lot to offer.


  • kathwhit
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks for the positive comments. I would be growing roses at all if it wasn't for this forum. I am inspired by so many enthusiastic and knowledgeable people including you!

  • rainbow_2007
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I love this forum too, you all are wonderful people for sharing your knowledge without expectations.

  • julie22
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This is one thing I really like about gardening. It just seems that everyone is so relaxed and helpful. We do seem to enjoy helping each other. As far as sharing you secrets...well, just like good cooks, each has their own flavor and touch which is found by the individual. So to share your secrets will be different for someone else. Hence there are as many ways to garden as there are people.

    Besides, what better way to develop friendships that to teach someone how to garden or give idea to another for different ways of doing things. The next time someone asks you about your garden tell them the main ingredient is bonding with other people.

    Oh, BTW, I've visited the Daylily form too and I was impressed with those folks as well.

  • Terry Crawford
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Welcome, Kenny. I have learned a lot on this forum and everyone here is so willing to help answer questions and is so nice and helpful, and we truly love sharing our successes with each other. You are always welcome here anytime.

  • karl_bapst_rosenut
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sharing secrets doesn't mean they'll work.
    How an individual uses those secrets determines the success or failure they'll have. Each person adds or takes away a little something from a gardening secret so sharing doesn't often result in similar endings.
    Perhaps by you sharing, you'll start something and make a positive difference in how your neighbors think.

  • gnabonnand
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Kenny, that was a really nice comment you made. I hadn't thought about it, but you are right, it is great to be around people who want to share their ideas and what works for them in the garden. I've got several neighbors who love gardening, and they are all more than willing to share ideas & talk about gardening. As someone said above, thanks for the reminder! And I'm glad you are here.


  • moodyblue
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yes I echo Hoove's words for sure. Lovely to have you here and greatful to be reminded how lucky we are to have each other. I am also very amazed at the expertise here. I am fascinated over and over again at all the scientifics and technical knowledge there is about growing roses who'd have thought!...........and photographing them too, which is all so much part of the fun. I think not only do we hunger for more knowledge from our fellow rose growers here, but we love to share our own successes and even downfalls when things do not work.

    Hopefully, the next person that comes along in your neighbourhood and asks you questions about gardening - (assuming he has already complimented you on your success), when you answer with sincerity and offer help, he/she will thank you, learn, and pass it on.

    Thanks for your nice post. Come back soon!
    Pauline - Vancouver Island

  • alameda/zone 8/East Texas
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Why dont you ask these folks - "Does your shroud have pockets?" And ask them......why are they hoarding their knowledge, dont they want to make our world a more beautiful place? I have found that when you put people like this on the spot and make them come up with an answer to why they behave and speak as they do, they have a hard time coming up with an answer. Perhaps you can make them a bit more introspective and, in the end, become more generous spirits.

  • veilchen
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks Kenny for reminding us!

    I used to live in Germany (Pfalz) but back then I didn't garden.

    You have the red lily beetles there? I thought we were the only lucky ones. What is it you use for them?

  • niecey
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Its a pleasure to have you here Kenny.

    I would just love to know your secret for the red beetles.

    They are A real pest.

    They munch on my lilies like they were at a salad bar.


  • mendocino_rose
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Kenny you are part of us all too now. It was very strange for that person to tell you to hoard your knowledge. I want everyone to be a great gardener so that the world is a more beautiful place.

  • rosatimo
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


  • kenny_bln
    Original Author
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hello everyone I want to thank everyone for such a warm welcome :-) . I am kind of addicted to forum. Learning from you all . when I am on the computer the forums are open und in the background is Helpmefind.

    sunnishine - you are right about being a great place , I have learned so much and learning everyday something new .

    Chris - thank you I have spent many hours reading the daylily forum , I have the daylily bug too .

    Sherry - you are right modern technology, it can be a pain in the ... and at the same time a great joy . The world at your finger tips. or just a phone call away. I have an internation flatrate and don´t hesitate to use it . I love to share and you find what you give comes back around and usally is better.

    Kathy - you are right about this forum , you all got me started again roses.

    Rainbow - you all are wonderful and what I have learned here is priceless .

    Julie and Karl - you both are absoutly right about the secerets and tips . some of them you can not use word for word but a litte of this and a litte of that and you have something the works for yourself . and yes Julie the friendships that develope . I am having luch tomorrow with a that called me out of the blue and asked a question about something in the garden , and guess where i got the answer , yepp here from you all .

    Terry - the people here are great and after a long day in the shop I find it relaxing just to read through the forums, sometimes some of the answere are cranky or short , sometimes I just have to shake my head and laugh, we are adults and sometimes we even have bad days :-)

    And back to you Karl- I have wore the link to you web page out . some how I am always ending up on your webpage, and my hat goes off to you . It is like when Karl speaks everyone listens . There was a tribute to you a few montha ago and it was well deserved .

    Randy - it is fun to be around people that enjoy gardening , I wish I could find more here. For me the garden is relaxing and not work . in the summer I am in the garden at 4 A.M. open the shop from 10-8 and back in the garden until dark around 11 P.M. I can sleep in the winter and get things done that I have neglected over the summer .

    Pauline - is is not all amazing with everything that is out there , and the more I learn the more I want to know. and the more I want to share what I have learned .

    Judith - I will give it a try . :-)

    Violet and Niecey - we have had the red lily beetel 4 years now . The first year they destroyed my liles , the second year I planted Crown imperial lillies. they bloom early then the foliage attracts the beetels before real lilles have really started to grow . Then I just spay with what ever is recomended for beetels and they are under control before the real lillies are attractive for them . The crown imperial also repells rodents . They smell like sweaty feet . The first sprig as they were growing I thought oh man my feet stink but I was the crown imperials . I even took of my shoes to snell my own feet but it was not me :-) it was the Imperials .

    Mendocnio - the world is a better place with beaatiful gardens . I alwas take time to smell the flowwer where ever I am

    rosantimo- a group hug is alway good LOL

    first of all sorry for my Denglich ( Deutsch- Englich ) I have been here in Germany to long and second sorry for the novel . I think I just made up for the 2 years I have not posted :-)


  • kenny_bln
    Original Author
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Rosantimo you are in the Netherlands . Hve you ever head of 1000 Islands Roses in Tilburg

  • donnaz5
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago are so right! I was just telling someone the other day that I've learned more about roses with this site than I ever could have learned on my own in 30 years! It's the fast track to years of experience, and everyone's trial and error.
    As for cornmeal for blackspot..that's one i haven't seen here yet..How do you use it? Thanks, Donna

  • lindawisconsin
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Kenny you are soooo right!
    This forum has made my rose garden the envy of my neighborhood!
    The orchid forum has made me an orchid grower - not an expert, but I can bloom orchids now that I could not grow five years ago!
    All because people have shared, one person at a time!

    Everyone who types a post makes their own contribution, from their own experience.
    I haven't tried all the suggestions here --- there are just so many! Of the tips I have tried some have worked, and some have not, but I have learned from every experience, and my roses benefit!
    Just a word about those who don't share their knowledge and keep it a "secret":
    Making the world a better sharing place always starts with one person - you, whoever you are. Because others are secretive or selfish or shy is no reason for us to act that way. Behave as the best person you can be, and others will follow.
    A good life is about opening up to others, not closing down into yourself. Life improves with sharing.
    Gosh, I do ramble on!

  • pearlgirl
    16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Geez!!!....tears to my eyes, Kenny. Thank you for posting
    that...we all need to be reminded of just how blessed we
    are. I've been gardening for a long time and since I've
    been on the gardening web, I'm even more overwhelmed,
    obsessed,etc. GARDNERS ARE GOOD PEOPLE :):) Sharing is just
    a part of who we are.
