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2008 Autumn in the Ozarks

15 years ago

The 'pink' dogwood is beginning to color-up:


The close-up is prettier:


The Hazel-nuts are coloring, and have their new catkins:


The Pyracantha is loaded with berries, the blasted deer pruned off the bottom of it!


And the Tea Viburnum has some beautiful fruit, I have a fence around the lower part of it, but it has still been pruned. :-(


I must enjoy them now, before the birds feast on them. The Cedar Waxwings will arrive in flocks before long, along with the Robins. It doesn't take them long to strip all the fruit that I have pictured.

Every day Nolon goes out and gathers up the fallen Chinese Chestnuts. We have 2 trees. They are seedlings, and the second one, that is now dropping it's nuts, has much larger ones than the first. I have one large margarine tub filled with the smaller ones, and the second tub is over 3/4ths full of a combinationof the two.

I hope I get around to roasting them this year! I let last year's go bad. :-(

Maybe our tomorrow's company and I can roast Chestnuts.:-)

I will post more pics as the colors advance. I hope you all enjoy them (including lurkers). :-)


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