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Journal 15th-16th October 2008

rob333 (zone 7b)
15 years ago

Spent the day goofing off even though I was at work. Don't get me wrong, I did work, it was comingled with goofing off. ;) Looked at adopt a pet websites mostly; can't seem to get it off of my mind. I know that when I leave something alone, but keep coming back to it, it's truly a want I have not a passing fancy. My momma used to tell me, girl money burns a hole in your pocket! when she'd hand me allowance and I'd immediately pick up a candy bar. Just had to have it. As I matured, I learned, wait a bit. Set it down, walk away and wait. It'll be there tomorrow, next week, next month, next year... no matter what. A great car, new house, the blouse I fell in love with... or a cat. I can wait, if I should or need to. My biggest problem with kitties is narrowing it down. I just love them all and feel so deeply they all need a good home. I wish I could do more. But I digress, driving to school, the cat lady called and said she was coming over to my house to bring Mishka. I just emailed her with my concerns about tonight, and I'll wait to see if that alleviates any worries, but after talking with her last night, I couldn't think straight in class. It was like I was hearing her, GW people, my husband, and myself all worried at one time. I know she's a lifetime commitment, and I'm down with that, but what if it isn't right? Then I'd have moments when I'd say, "It's not like your replacing your husband, it's a cat for gosh sakes!" and I'd laugh at my stupidity. It'll work out ok.

The house is far behind schedule, but still moving. Snail's pace, snail's pace. Ed is still buying and selling cars (buys them really cheap, like say $250, cleans it up, and sells it again for $600), and loving it. He feels like his own man. It's nice to see, even if he can swing over the alpha male side a bit; gotta keep him in line. ;D LF is learning guitar and recorder, and loving it. School is going well for him and he's happy. I'm really looking forward to Thanksgiving and thinking of making a "practice" (((wink, wink))) turkey just because I am full of the "I-can't-wait"s! Guess it's going on in every aspect, but why not indulge. In another 2 hours and 34 minutes, I get to go eat my lunch (meal replacement number 4). Meh. But I have lost the 2 pounds I gained last week. Maybe I can lose 2 more by next Monday, that'd be good. 'til then, guess I'll have meal replacement number 3.

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