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Small annual wildflower in Saskatchewan

Hello, thank you Name That Plant Forum people for your help.

At the link are 6 photos of a unknown plant I photographed on May 30th. Location was a grassy hillside on the edge of Aspen grove. This is in Saskatchewan's Parklands, about 70 km southeast of Regina, SK, in a community pasture. I saw 100 of these plants, most were growing on disturbed, bare topsoil that was dug up by gophers this year or last year. A few plants were growing among the grasses and other forbs near the bare topsoil. It wouldn't surprise me if this plant is considered a weed because it appeared to prefer disturbed soil.

Small things, plants (the leaves) to 6 cm tall. Annual. Flowers white with 5 petals and 5 sepals. 5 stamens. Flower bell-shaped. Flower typically 5 mm in diameter and 7 mm long. Sepals lanceolate to ovate, 4 mm long.

Most leaves are pinnately lobed, typically 40 mm long and 20 mm wide. They were arranged in whorls, sometimes opposite. The two lowest leaves were entire, elliptical, 13 mm long and 6 mm wide.

Plants were pubescent with long hairs on petioles, leaf margins, and leaf tops. Leaf bottom was glabrous.

Foliage had a minty aroma when rubbed.

Here is a link that might be useful: A mystery would like some help

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