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2 Vandas in 1 pot

Matt G
16 years ago


My Story (optional):

I received this Vanda in the gray cement pot in the background earlier this year. The plant came with an old house my uncle bought and he let me take the plant. I split the plant forcefully into four pieces (I don't know how many pieces the plant was already in but it was kinda messy looking), and put the four pieces back into the cement pot without any media (it came with large rocks, with accumulated dirt with grass growing in it as media). The setup didn't look nice but I didn't really care. When the plant flowered I started to care. Now I want to groom this plant and make it look as handsome and pretty as I can without too much trouble.

My problem/question (required):

I want to put two Vanda cuttings in one pot (pictured). Will there be any problems with the plants growing together? I'm mainly thinking about the plants not being able to "feel" each other and possibly growing into each other and resulting in a couple of ugly healthy plants. I don't know this for sure but my guess is that if it's just one plant then it may "know" where to send out growths (vegetative and flower) and be provide a more handsome display. If two separate plants at grown as one will they act as one?

Since we're on this topic, how will sympodial orchids respond to this sort of treatment?




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