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WALATing May 9 2009 - photo heavy

Rain was threatening so walating looked like the better option for Misty and me. This is some of what we found:

The best of the Astilboides are the ones near the patio. They like lots of water so one is planted across from one of the the neighbour's downspouts:

and one is at the end of one of our downspouts:


Both of those were planted in 2006 and they are the ones in the picture I posted on the Idyll thread. Snails love them - you might have noitced the hole in one of the leaves in the picture on the other thread....

These ones are the oldest ones in the garden - planted some time around 2002 or 2003. It's much dryer in this spot but they struggle on and return each year. The trilliums are happier with the spring monsture and dryer summer conditions:


Lots of things coming up under the oak on the south side:


Waiting for my first-ever dogwood blooms:


Somebody asked about the rectangular lawn.... The lawn is looking a bit rough at the moment - needs mowing and it's .... ummm... been spottily fertilized with canine-sourced nitrogen fertilizer over the winter.... Looking south:

Looking north:


Mrs Robin is still sitting on the nest:

The fence she's built the nest on is the one on the right side of the south alley where the New Dawn rose is plotting world dominion and allowing a few canes to be swagged:

A closer view of the tangle of rose canes on the arbour:


Moving around to the front....

Peas in pots on the driveway are growing fast:


The metal edge is in place in the new bed:

The new bed is very narrow because I'm limited by the deep ditch on the road side - it doesn't look very deep in the picture but it is and the sides are steep. The straight edge runs along the top edge of the ditch. I'm going to have to change my planting plan a bit - once the bricks are in place, there will only be room for a few perennials in the middle section. I think I may use Rozanne geranium in the middle so it can spill over the edges with lots of flowers. There is room for smaller shrubs on the ends.

This is the rock that slowed us down. It doesn't look too big in the picture - but it is HEAVY!


The Chinese wisteria is loaded with nice fat flowerbuds this year. I hope the temperatures forecast in frost range for the next couple of nights miss us...:


It looks like the rain may have stopped for a while - I need to go walkies....

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