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Ooooh, I've been bugged

17 years ago

About six weeks ago I decided I went on a rampage and repotted, divided and generally cleaned up the orchids. I rearranged my growing area, added more light and got in more plants. All the new plants were isolated and given a good going over before joining the herd. The older plants were all in nice clean pots with nice new media. Except one. A paph maudie that had put out a nice new fan last year but hadn't rebloomed. It seemed healthy enough and didn't appear to need repotting, so I let it be.

Last night it looked a little peaked so I picked it up but couldn't see anything wrong. This morning I looked more closely and spread open the leafs where they joined the stem.

I was horrified to find mealybugs in two of the leaf joints. Of course I was late for work as I attacked with alcohol and swabs. I then isolated the paph and inspected every other orchid that is down there. Once I got home it was a soapy bath for him followed by a new potting. Since mealy can spread like headlice in kindergarten his five gridmates (grids above the pebble trays)will be undergoing a series of sprays even though he is the only one I saw them on.

Quick question..Will the sprays (Safer's soap, etc) discolor my ludesia's leaves? Thankfully my thin leafed promeneas were nowhere near this paph.

Wouldn't you know that out of 35 orchids, the only one to have problems is the one I hadn't touched.


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