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Maybe its just me

9 years ago

Have been touring our beautiful country more than usual....not too long ago it was Mississippi, Vicksburg, where one of the ironclads used in the rivers for the Civil War is on display...I was interested because the EADS gunboats were made in Illinois.

The SS Cairo is attached to the Vicksburg National Cemetery, and commemorates the Seige of Vicksburg, with the battle stations auto trip with a CD to play as you drive.
Among the many memorials and monuments is a beautiful building from Illinois, inside the names of 30,000 plus soldiers from Illinois that took part, some of which died there, forever remembered by name and rank and Division in bronze . Acoustically designed, a whisper reverberates, a place of cool quiet honor for Illinoisans, to commemorate a sad time in our country.

A large group of young kids and a few supervising adults had just arrived when we walked in....they were yelling at the top of their voices, led by one of their adult supervisors... they yelled and squealed, jostled, poked, laughed and seemed oblivious to where they were. The sound was deafening. Soon most sat down on the floor to eat their snacks and lunch, still loud, boisterous and seeming disrespectful.

I was appalled... but maybe I'm just too old.

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