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Making own seaweed emulsion, need help!

16 years ago

Hi folks, I am quite new in making emulsion or liquid fertiliser, i have read some site about making emulsion, but I am very confuse with what suppose to start with.

Please correct me if below step are wrong on making seaweed emulsion.

1. Buy dried seaweed from the grocery market.

2. soak the seaweed for 1 hour, let it 'fill' with water.

3. chop up the 'wet' seaweed, and put it into 5 gal bucket fill with water till 3 inc from top.

4. add moles sugar/brown sugar.

5. punch holeS OR a hole on the bucket's cover to put in air pump tube for brewing.

6. cover the bucket and on the air pump 24 hours, wait for 1 week plus stir the ingredient every day.

Anything i miss or I have wrong step, pls advice.

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