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(posted this originally on SOE forum, but thought some here might be interested as well)

I heard about this on Thurs. - CDC, etc., but had not been able to see details 'til now:

**July 22, 2005

Dozens of Chemicals Found in Most Americans' Bodies

The concentration is especially high in children, a national study says. But experts aren't sure what the health effects are.

By Marla Cone, Times Staff Writer

In the largest study of chemical exposure ever conducted on human beings, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday that most American children and adults were carrying in their bodies dozens of pesticides and toxic compounds used in consumer products, many of them linked to potential health threats.

The report documented bigger doses in children than in adults of many chemicals, including some pyrethroids, which are in virtually every household pesticide, and phthalates, which are found in nail polish and other beauty products as well as in soft plastics.....


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Here is a link that might be useful: Full Article

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