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recommended nursery for Zone 4 fruit trees

Looking for suggestions on sources for fruit trees for Zone 4.

Have apple trees that will be on their 3rd spring in 2011 and don't look like they'll have fruit for at least 2 or 3 more years as they are basically still spindly whips with few branches. Trees were roughly 1/2" dia. Zestar, SW 16, SnowSweet, Honeycrisp, and Macintosh on Semi-d rootstock. trees were mulched with woodchips shortly after planting and have had adequate water. soil is somewhat sandy and well drained. They have leafed out nice particularly the 2nd summer but just haven't grown much. soiled was tested prior to planting and no remediation was indicated. I have not fertilized. No pest problems to date except the occasional munched branch by deer which was controlled by deer spray.

I probably didn't prune as much as I should have.

anyway I thought if I can start with larger trees I could add some other varieties to the orchard and have the newer trees bearing about the same time as those I already have so looking for source for larger bare root trees.

thx. in advance for suggestions and/or help

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