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Anyone think this might work for deterring RACCOONS?

10 years ago

I had 2 ripe guavas, picked one, and it was delicious, went to pick the other for my husband to try . . . and it was gone! My husband had mentioned that the night before he had seen 2 raccoons in the driveway, so I figured it must have been the raccoons that stole the guava. I couple of days later there were a few more (not yet ripe) guavas missing. I was pissed!

Started researching how to get rid of raccoons . . . I didn't want to go to the expense and hassle for an electric fence, plus I have too many fruit trees scattered around my yard.

I have some sheet metal, for a collar, but the trees are kept at backyard fruit tree height so there is not 2' of space to put the collar.

I also have some bird netting but I don't see that working for raccoons.

Picking the fruit early . . . might as well buy store fruit, plus the raccoon took unripe fruit and then threw it away in the yard.

Trapping the raccoons would be OK, but then what do I do with them? I will not killed them because I don't want to deal with their dead bodies.

A friend of mine in Florida told me that she used bamboo skewers, stuck in the ground, pointed side up, to deter lots of critters, mostly birds from seeds.

So here you have it . . . 700 skewers (=$7) from the 99� only store. The skewers are placed as far as 36" from the trunk, and as little as 18". I know I will probably loose low hanging fruit since at the 18" point but if they just step in one step with all their weight, OUCH!

Tell me what you think? Will it work? If not why not?

I will keep you posted.


This post was edited by kurango on Sat, Nov 23, 13 at 22:26

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