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Training young Sweetcrisp and Bluecrisp, how are yours doing?

Two months to the day since the Sweetcrisp arrived from Florida Hill Nursery. These were about as small as you'll get but healthy. They are growing enough that I've started tipping and training.

Here are two of the better looking Sweetcrisp that I've started training. All are 5 gal except as noted.


A range of the Sweetcrisp including one plant that looks like it's going to die.


I also got in some Bluecrisp from another source. They were 3 yr plants that were cut back massively and had a rootball about the size of a lemon. They are all still alive but only one has sprouted new growth from down low. Plant on the right is a Star.


Lastly a poor picture of my only 2nd leaf Sweetcrisp which was potted up to 12 gal after harvest.


I'm also getting in 50 Sweetcrisp liners next week. Way too many plants but they were cheap.

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