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First Flavor King Pluot

14 years ago

All Asian type plums have set about 50 plums by their third season in my orchard. This wet season has cracked the mid to late plums pretty bad. The late ripening FKP has set only five plums but none have cracked. There were only American Hybrid plums to pollinate and I expect better FKP fruit set with several Japanese pollinators next season. I had footied four FKP and left one to color naturally. The late ripen fruit are getting holes from yellow jackets and they go for the sweetest ones. Lately I have been leaving dropped peaches on the ground and the yellow jackets are going after them. I picked the first FKP today because it was uncovered. It had dark burgundy color with whiteish speckles. It was hard and I thought it was unripe. The first bite was meaty and firm juicy too. The flavor was complex like the descriptions, I describe it as a delicious fruit punch flavor. Flavor King is aptly named. The tree is vigorous gets mild shothole and no disease but only grows to twelve feet.

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