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China Doll Pruning

I got this plant in a little 3" pot some months ago...maybe 4-5 months. It was really dainty and cute. I knew it would get bigger but I didn't realize how fast.

Now, it's not so dainty and looks like a wild child. I get that I should prune it but not sure where to cut.

Do I snip it off at a point where two leaf nodes branch out? And if a particular branch doesn't have a I cut the whole thing off?

I brought it out to water but it normally sits right in front of a west facing window inside the house with lots of light for most of the day and full-on sun from 4pm to sundown.

Thanks for any advice you can offer!


This post was edited by Sugi_C on Mon, Oct 13, 14 at 13:59

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